Biomolecules & Therapeutics : eISSN 2005-4483 / pISSN 1976-9148

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Fig. 4. Representative histological profiles of dorsal skin biopsies from the backs of C3H mice. A 60-μL sample of distilled water (A), 2% BP201 (B), 5% minoxidil (C), or 2% BP201+5% minoxidil (D) was topically applied to the shaved areas on C3H mice twice a day for 21 days. Mice were sacrificed, and dorsal skin biopsies were analyzed. Arrows show hair follicles in the anagen phase of growth. The BP201/MNX-treated area showed a higher frequency of anagen hair follicles (left panel) than the untreated area (right panel) (D). Hemotoxylin and eosin staining. Scale bars are 500 μm.
Biomol Ther (Seoul) 2015;23:174~179
© Biomolecules & Therapeutics