Biomolecules & Therapeutics : eISSN 2005-4483 / pISSN 1976-9148

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Fig. 1. Effects of carnosine and ROL on HAS mRNA levels in NHEKs. NHEKs were treated with various concentrations of carnosine and ROL for 48 h. The mRNA expression levels of HAS1 (A), HAS2 (B), and HAS3 (C) were measured by Q-RT-PCR. Data are expressed as fold change vs. vehicle control. Values represent the mean expression ± standard deviation (SD) (n=3). *p≤0.05 vs. vehicle control; **p≤0.01 vs. vehicle control; #p≤0.05 vs. ROL 10 μM; ##p≤0.01 vs. ROL 10 μM and Φp≤0.05 vs. ROL 1 μM.
Biomolecules & Therapeutics 2024;32:635~639
© Biomolecules & Therapeutics