Fig. 2. LicoD and MK2206 suppress EGF- or TPA-induced JB6 cell transformation in soft agar. (A) Anchorage-independent cell growth was assessed by conducting soft agar assays with various concentrations of LicoD or MK2206 in combination with EGF. (B) Additionally, TPA and various concentrations of LicoD or MK2206 were co-treated to evaluate anchorage-independent cell growth. (C, D) The bar represents the relative ratio of colonies in soft agar with EGF or TPA and LicoD represented as the means ± SD of three replicates. (E, F) The bar graph indicates the relative ratio of colonies in soft agar with EGF or TPA and MK2206 represented as the means ± SD of three replicates. Significantly different at: ###p<0.001 compared to the control; ***p<0.001 compared to group treated with EGF or TPA only.
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