Fig. 5. Multiple RAB GTPases and RAN stimulate IRF3 phosphorylation. (A) HEK293 cells were co-transfected with FLAG-IRF3 and GTPases of Rab family, unclassified GTPases, or Ran. 24 h post transfection, the migration shift of IRF3 was determined by Phos-tag gel electrophoresis. Red, strong phosphorylation; blue, weak phosphorylation. (B) Phylogenetic comparison between Rab family proteins. The sequences were multiply aligned by using ClustalW. Horizontal distance represents the proportion of amino acid difference and the branch values denote the bootstrap confidence values. (C) Alignment of amino acid sequences for Rab GTPases that positively regulate IRF3 phosphorylation. Common domain structure of Rab GTPases is shown above. (D) Protein sequence identity among Rab GTPases that increase phosphorylation of IRF3. Identity, percentage of identical residues; similarities, percentage of similar functional residues.
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