Fig. 7. Effect of galangin on fluoride (A) or phorbol ester (B)-dependent increases in phospho-CPI-17 levels. Phospho-CPI-17 protein levels were decreased in rapidly-frozen flavonol-treated muscles in the absence of endothelium compared to vehicle-treated muscles precontracted with fluoride. Upper panel indicates a typical blot, and lower panel indicates average densitometric results for relative levels of phospho-CPI-17. Data are presented as the mean of 3-5 experiments with a vertical line indicating SEM. ##p<0.01, *p<0.05, versus normal or control group respectively. Galangin: 0.1 mM galangin; Fluoride: 6 mM sodium fluoride; PDBu: 1 μM phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate.
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